How was Steve Jobs creative
The idea of connecting things was the way jobs explained how he had mastered personal computers, mobile phones and later, movie animation.For jobs creativity was about knowing what you want, applying intuition, and keeping it simple.Steve jobs is often viewed as having been a creative genius, and there are a lot of reasons why this may be.We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not.Steve jobs' employees knew he was looking for something great, not just for money.
Just like most other heroes, the journey of steve jobs also had a fair share of hardships and downfalls.Steve jobs is often pointed to as the very picture.Be a yardstick of quality.Speaking of jobs, ive said:The biography by walter isaacson.
When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something.The creative and technical mind, steve jobs, believed in secrecy restrictions or walls prevailed in apple inc as steve jobs was a believer of secrecy.Every child goes through the stage of connection.Jobs' meditation practice helped him develop creativity.Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius.yes i agree with apple, the world has lost an amazing human being, a man of influence, a visionary and a creative.
It seemed obvious to them after a while.According to the psychology studies, the most creative people pursue an expansive range of experiences, which gives them the fuel for ideas.