What is another word for being useful
What is another word for being used?Need synonyms for being used?Dictionary and word of the day.Therefore, when looking for a word or words to use instead of is, you need to understand the origin of this word.Synonyms for useful at thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.
That can be used to advantage;An example of useful used as an adjective is the phrase useful information which means information that is helpful.Weak wanting in physical strength adj susceptible to attack a vulnerable bridge synonyms:1 adj rich in significance or implication synonyms:There is no easy list of words to use instead of is, and the reason is because of where the word is comes from.
Meaning , pregnant meaningful having a meaning or purpose adj important in effect or meaning a significant change in tax laws a significant change in the constitution a significant contribution significant details statistically significant synonyms: