What is the difference between myotherapy and massage
The most simple distinction between myotherapy and remedial massage is that myotherapists have a higher qualification to employ a larger variety of techniques and treatment strategies.The most important thing to understand is that myotherapy (from an education standpoint) is an advanced diploma of remedial massage.While remedial massage focuses solely on manipulative massage methods, myotherapy encompasses a larger range of therapies that are used to treat complicated muscular and musculoskeletal disorders that remedial massage alone cannot resolve.The key difference is that myotherapy involves dry needling and a broader spectrum of massage techniques and treatments to help relieve and treat specific trigger points.The definition of myotherapy can be explained from its etymology which means muscle pain (myo) and therapy.
Some will begin with studying a diploma of remedial massage therapy, then continue into an advanced diploma of.Myotherapists can go down two different paths through private colleges or universities to become a qualified myotherapist.Myotherapists focus on remedial massage or myofascial release as their main tools;